2023 LQHBA Yearling Sale

Statistical Summary Highest Prices
Leading Buyers Leading Consignors and Agents
Leading Sires of Yearlings Hip by Hip Results
Highest Prices - Day 1 --- (8/4/2023)
Highest Prices - Day 2 --- (8/5/2023)
Highest Prices - Cumlative

Highest Prices by Day
By Value
$240,000 HIP #529 - FAMOUS TRAIN , C , 1, by Freighttrain B -- Famous Corona Lady, by Corona Cartel (Grant Farms, LLC ), (Paragon Farms ), 8/5/2023
$130,000 HIP #306 - RIGHT DOWN BROADWAY , C , 1, by Freighttrain B -- Shakemupperry, by Mr Jess Perry (Run Bayou Ranch, LLC ), (Bobby Cox ), 8/5/2023
$98,000 HIP #407 - HASTA LA FUEGO , C , 1, by Freighttrain B -- Madam Of Fire Mv, by Walk Thru Fire (Bobby D. Cox ), (Luis Roberto Lozano ), 8/5/2023
$84,000 HIP #423 - ROGUES GOLD EAGLE , F , 1, by Gold Heart Eagle V -- Miss Jess Rogue, by Mr Jess Perry (Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent ), (Jerry Deville ), 8/5/2023
$77,000 HIP #441 - JESS BYE LOUISIANA , F , 1, by The Louisiana Cartel -- Jessbye Marcy, by Mr Jess Perry (Grant Farms, LLC ), (Rancho El 48 ), 8/5/2023
$75,000 HIP #537 - LOUISIANA BLOOD , F , 1, by Apollitical Blood -- Eyejesslovelouisiana, by Mr Jess Perry (Jumonville Farms ), (Jerry Deville ), 8/5/2023
$72,000 HIP #302 - TAC IT BLOOD , C , 1, by Apollitical Blood -- Tac It Sassy, by Tac It Like A Man (Fontenot Running Horses, Agent for Thomas G. Fontenot, MD ), (Jerry Deville ), 8/5/2023
$70,000 HIP #499 - RIGHTEOUSNESS , C , 1, by Apollitical Blood -- Good Game Meg, by Game Patriot (Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent for Danny Trahan Quarter Horses ), (Rogelio Marquez Jr. ), 8/5/2023
$69,000 HIP #490 - ROGUE RAGE , F , 1, by Apollitical Blood -- Rogue One, by Heza Fast Cash (Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent for Rogue Equine, LLC ), (Rogelio Marquez Jr. ), 8/5/2023
$68,000 HIP #566 - APOLLITICAL BABY , C , 1, by Apollitical Blood -- Carry On Baby, by Game Patriot (Fontenot Running Horses, Agent for Gerald Vidrine ), (Fausto G. Mendoza ), 8/5/2023